杨 睿
1992.09-1996.07 西南师范大学 环境化学 学士
1996.09-1999.07 西南师范大学 分析化学 硕士
2003.09-2008.06 厦门大学 分析化学 博士
1999.09-2003.08 西南师范大学 分析化学教研室 讲师
2008.09-至今 西南大学 分析化学教研室 副教授
地址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号 西南大学化学化工学院
1. 首届全国大学生职业规划大赛,全国总决赛 银奖。(2024年)
2. 第四届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛(2023年),一等奖(西南赛区)。
3. 第三届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛(2023年),一等奖(西南赛区)。
4. 国家级大学生创新创业训练项目《两步气体模板改性g-C3N4光催化剂的制备及其在染料降解中的应用研究》(202310635049),2023年7月至2024年6月。
该项目研究成果以本科生为第一作者发表论文:Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance Investigation of NH4Cl-Assisted Two-Step Calcination Method for Modified g-C3N4. Xinyue Zhang, Lin Yuan, Yu Zhang, Xinyu Shu, Renjie Li, Qunfen Deng, Zilong Zhang, Rui Yang*, React. Chem. Eng., 2024, 9, 2066-2077.
5. 本科生第一作者发表论文:A novel type of fluorescence modulation mechanism of carbon dots derived from the competition of photoinduced electron transfer and fluorescence. Lingqiao Zhang, Siqi Wei, Limei Zhang, Xinghang Yin, Rui Yang*, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2024, 304, 123276.
6. 重庆市2023大学生职业规划大赛,金奖。
7. 西南大学卓越师范生教学研究项目《大学与中学化学教学的衔接》,2023年9月至2024年9月。
8. 第五届中国互联网+大学生创新创业大赛(2019年),银奖(重庆市赛区)。
9. 重庆市级大学生创新创业训练项目《共组装型光子晶体薄膜的制备与性能研究》(S202010635011),2020年6月至2021年6月。
[1] pH-sensitive Blue-green Dual-emission Carbon Dots for Dasatinib Detection. Yujia Zhong, Tongyan Bao, Xinghang Yin, Qunfen Deng, Yu Zhang, Tingfang Wu, Rui Yang*, Microchem J., 2024, accepted. (2024.12.10)
[2] A triple-channel sensor array utilizing fluorescent carbon dots for simultaneous discrimination and detection of multiple fluoroquinolones. Xinghang Yin, Yujia Zhong, Anli Chen, Tongyan Bao, Qunfen Deng, Yu Zhang, Rui Yang*, Talanta 2024, 279, 126608.
[3] A novel type of fluorescence modulation mechanism of carbon dots derived from the competition of photoinduced electron transfer and fluorescence. Lingqiao Zhang, Siqi Wei, Limei Zhang, Xinghang Yin, Rui Yang*, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2024, 304, 123276.
[4] Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance Investigation of NH4Cl-Assisted Two-Step Calcination Method for Modified g-C3N4. Xinyue Zhang, Lin Yuan, Yu Zhang, Xinyu Shu, Renjie Li, Qunfen Deng, Zilong Zhang, Rui Yang*, React. Chem. Eng., 2024, 9, 2066-2077.
[5] A novel achiral fluorescent nanoprobe for the chiral recognition of cysteine enantiomers. Anli Chen, Yujia Zhong, Xinghang Yin, Renjie Li, Qunfen Deng, Rui Yang*, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem., (IF2022 = 8.41) 2023, 393, 134262.
[6] Red emission carbon dots for mitoxantrone detection. Yujia Zhong, Anli Chen, Xinghang Yin, Renjie Li, Qunfen Deng, Rui Yang*, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem., (IF2022 = 8.41) 2023, 382, 133535.
[7] Synthesis of Double Defects in g-C3N4 to Enhance the H2O2 Production by Dual-Electron O2 Reduction. Renjie Li, Qunfen Deng, Anli Chen, Yujia Zhong, Rui Yang*, ChemSusChem., (IF2022 = 8.4) 2023, e202300763.
[8] Green synthesis of rectangular hollow tubular carbon nitride via in-situ self-assembly strategy to enhance the degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride under visible light irradiation. Qunfen Deng, Renjie Li, Anli Chen, Yujia Zhong, Xinghang Yin, Yu Zhang, Rui Yang*, Environ Res, (IF2022 = 8.3) 2023, 238, 117252.
[9] Well-designed MXene-derived Carbon-doped TiO2 coupled porous g-C3N4 to enhance the degradation of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride under visible light irradiation. R.J. Li, A. L. Chen, Q.F. Deng, Y. J. Zhong, L. Kong, Rui Yang*, Sep. Purif. Technol., (IF2021 = 7.31) 2022, 295, 121254.
[10] A novel chiral fluorescence probe based on carbon dots-copper(II) system for ratio fluorescence detection of gatifloxacin. A. L. Chen, R.J. Li, Y. J. Zhong, Q.F. Deng, X. H. Yin, H. Y. Li, L. Kong, R. Yang*, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem., (IF2021 = 9.22) 2022, 359, 131602.
[11] Schottky functionalized Z-scheme heterojunction photocatalyst Ti2C3/g-C3N4/BiOCl: Effcient photocatalytic H2O2 production via two-channel pathway. Q. Yang, R.J. Li, S. Q. Wei, R. Yang*, Appl. Surf. Sci., (IF2021 = 6.71) 2022, 572, 151525.
[12] Revealing graphitic nitrogen participating in p-p conjugated domain as emissive center of red carbon dots and applied to red room-temperature phosphorescence. S. Q. Wei, H. Y. Li, X. H. Yin, Q. Yang, A. L. Chen, R.J. Li, J. Wang, R. Yang*, New J Chem., (IF2021 = 3.59) 2021, 45, 22335.
[13] Multi-color fluorescent carbon dots: graphitized sp2 conjugated domains and surface state energy level co-modulate band gap rather than size effects. S. Q. Wei, X. H. Yin, H. Y. Li, X. Y. Du, L. M. Zhang, Q. Yang, R. Yang*, Chem. Eur. J., (IF2020 = 5.24) 2020, 26, 8129-8136.
[14] Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of BiVO4/C-dots/g-C3N4 Z-scheme heterojunction photocatalysts for degradation of minocycline hydrochloride and Rhodamine B: optimization and mechanism investigation. Q. Yang, S. Q. Wei, L. M. Zhang, R. Yang*, New J Chem., (IF2020 = 3.59) 2020, 44, 17641-17653.
[15] Redox modulated fluorometric sensing of ascorbic acid by using a hybrid material composed of carbon dots and CoOOH nanosheets. L. M. Zhang, J. Qin, Q. Yang, S. Q. Wei, R. Yang*, Microchimica Acta, (IF2019 = 5.479) 2019, 186, 368.
[16] Cost-effective and facile fluorescent probes for label-free recognition of chlorpromazine hydrochloride and logic gate operation. L. M. Zhang, J. Qin, Q. Yang, S. Q. Wei, R. Yang*, J. Photochem. Photobiol., A-Chem., (IF2019 = 3.261) 2019, 382, 111918.
[17] Solid pyrolysis synthesis of excitation-independent emission carbon dots and its application to isoniazid detection. J. Qin, L. M. Zhang, R. Yang*, J. Nanopart. Res., (IF2019 = 2.009) 2019, 21, 59.
[18] Powder carbonization to synthesize novel carbon dots derived from uric acid for the detection of Ag(I) and glutathione. J. Qin, L. M. Zhang, R. Yang*, Spectr. Acta Part A-Mol. and Biomol. Spectr., (IF2019 = 2.931) 2019, 207, 54-60.
[19] Bright carbon dots via inner filter effect for the sensitive determination of the purine metabolic disorder in human fluids, J. Qin, L. M. Zhang, R. Yang*, Spectr. Acta Part A-Mol. and Biomol. Spectr., (IF2018 = 2.88) 2018, 203, 421-427
[20] New highly selective turn-on fluorescence receptor for the detection of copper, Q. Nan, P. Rong, J. X. Bao, R. Yang*, Spectr. Acta Part A-Mol. and Biomol. Spectr., (IF2017 = 2.88) 2017, 174, 307-315.